Saturday, May 28, 2022


Ever since I started my transition, I have exclusively used she/her pronouns. Being called "they" seemed impersonal to me. I would explain it like this:

  • Using "they" to refer to someone anonymously is always OK:
    I talked to my friend and she said... ✅
    I talked to my friend and they said... ✅
  • Using "they" to refer to me specifically, e.g. in a situation where you would use my name, is not OK:
    I talked to my friend Katie and she said... ✅
    I talked to my friend Katie and they said... ❌

"That last sentence sounds weird to me," I would say. "I'm a girl, just use 'she''!"

Except... now, it doesn't sound weird anymore. It sounds perfectly normal.

"They" is okay.

So, I'm changing my pronouns from she/her to she/they. You can still call me a girl, a woman, a lady, female. I still prefer she/her, but I'll let myself have a little "they", as a treat. 😁

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